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Webinars and video recordings

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Presentations of our solutions and demonstration of practical use cases

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treeDiM PLMPack
Collaborative Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
for optimization and eco-design packaging systems.

Video Demonstrations


treeDiM PLMPack

treeDiM PLMPack Webinar
V10 PackLib Azure Cloud
Creation of an account and share a project (DEMO) from another user.
(2019-06-22, 3:44)

PackLib V10 database can be hosted on Azure cloud.

The common database (FEFCO, ECMA, ...)
upgraded automatically and is always available.
By creating account and groups you can share your projects with
your team, your partners or providers.

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treeDiM PLMPack Webinar
Organize packaging designs your way in Picador PackLib
(2019-03-20, 4:41)

If you're designing a lot of custom packaging you probably
have a way to keep track of all those drawings.
Did you know you can actually use treeDiM's PackLib to organise
your own designs besides using it to open existing standards?

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treeDiM PLMPack Webinar

StackBuilder is an open-source packing/palletization/loading software integrated in Picador

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For more information contact NewFormat

NewFormat AB
Smörblommegränd 14, SE-165 72 Hässelby (Stockholm), Sweden
tel:+46 (0)70 631 53 01

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